Comments on: Class In Action Adventures in Boliva Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:30:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leti Gutierrez Leti Gutierrez Sun, 06 Feb 2011 01:31:28 +0000 Hey!!!!!!!
It sound great, I loved the music as well, and the video is simply wonderful. I am very glad you have the opportunity to teach in a brand new lab. It’s nice that Laura can teach children some computational skills, and there are some many resources in the web to teach them English or even Science in a better way.
Thanks you very much guys for sharing your experiences :D

By: Tom Tom Sun, 06 Feb 2011 00:21:23 +0000 I went and lowered the volume of the music by 50%, does that sound better?

By: Alice I. Riley Alice I. Riley Sat, 05 Feb 2011 16:49:47 +0000 Hi! What a start to the school year for both of you. It’s a good thing you have Tom to turn to with those less than modern computers, Laura. Hope you can figure out a way to distribute access to all of the little ones.

Great video this time and I loved the music. However, Tom, your charming voice is almost drowned out by the music and our “old” ears would like to hear everything you say.
