Comments on: Great Expectations Adventures in Boliva Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:30:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice Riley Alice Riley Sat, 24 Sep 2011 16:38:55 +0000 Remember when you asked me how my mother managed cleanliness when I was young, Laura? (We had no electricity or running water.) I told you how far behind the times the standards you were dealing with were from my mother’s. It was instilled in her to be clean in every phase of her life. The clothing that could be, was boiled in lye water; hand washing could have been better but we washed our hands with soap, the floors were scrubbed (hard to do on a dirt floor in Bolivia) three times a week in the kitchen–lye soap used in the water again.) Other living areas less often. Lime in the toilets. The list is huge and could be adopted anywhere water is available.
As to expectations, the Bolivians probably have expectations but they don’t have the motivation or the skills to teach their children how to achieve them.
I always think of the song “Manana” which basically glorifies the attitude of putting off until tomorrow and tomorrow is always “…a day away,” like in ‘Annie.’ However, in Annie it has an entirely different connotation. Simply the truth. You never get there. So it has to be done today for now and the future.

By: Mark Z Mark Z Fri, 23 Sep 2011 20:12:19 +0000 Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I think you’re right that, even if different individuals have the same values and abilities, the larger culture around them greatly increases or decreases how those values and abilities come to fruition
