Comments on: Bolivian Census Adventures in Boliva Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:30:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Tom Thu, 22 Nov 2012 15:09:44 +0000 I was grading all day…today is the expo for my class and the end of the semester so I have to have everything turned in.

By: Alice Riley Alice Riley Thu, 22 Nov 2012 04:22:56 +0000 When I get an unexpeced free days, I often let it sliip through my fingers. I’m not sure, but I think cleaning the house might not be at the top of my list. On the other hand, it would make me feel I had really accomplished something.
The question about children that had died would have been disconceting.
How unusual that absolutely everything except emergencies were shut down in the country.
What did Tom do with his free day, help with the house cleaning?
Love you both, Grandma and Grandpa R.
