First Computer!

Yesterday (in addition to being New Years) was a big day at the Institute (Vocational School), thanks to many of your generous donations, we got our first computer for the new lab up and running!

Here’s a picture of Henry (one of the people who has been working with me on this) using it:

Thanks to everyone who has contributed, we are almost at our goal!  (If you’ve been wanting to and haven’t yet, its not too late though.)  If all goes well I’ll have another update in a couple weeks with the whole lab there!

One thought on “First Computer!

  1. Tom and Laura,

    Happy New Year!!!

    We are so glad to hear the computer project is starting of well.

    You two are having many interesting adventures. Your comment about Bolivia makes me recall the line from the movie “Blood Diamonds” This is Africa. Used when things go awry. So now you have life lessons of a global nature.

    But making a difference in peoples lives in the measure of importance in anyone’s work and I would say you are up to the task. Good luck in the coming school term.

    Matthew does not have to go back to Champaign for the seconds semester until Jan 16 while Maureen must be back to Purdue a week earlier. It is so much fun having them around.
    Happy New Year again.

    Amo, Amas, Amat,

    Bill and Terri and Maureen and Matthew

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