Visas and starting in Montero

So in the three and a half days we’ve been here in Montero, we’ve spent almost all our time trying to get our long-term Visas finalized.  Things are going relatively smoothly, but it still is a slow process with lots to do.  The last two days we’ve been down in Santa Cruz (the really big city…2 million people vs. ~100k in Montero) in and out of government offices, and we have at least two more days to go.

Apart from Visas I got in to my first class today, I was helping out the teacher of a computer class for kindergardeners.  About half of them were playing around in Microsoft Paint, the other half used some simple educational games.  Tomorrow I’ll spend a bit with my first young adult class, which promises to be a bit more challenging.

Also, I’ve got the picture of our house that I promised in the last post:

The window to the left of the door is our bedroom, and the window to the right is our kitchen and living room (which you enter through a door just outside the right of the picture).  The next door down is an empty bedroom, visitors welcome!

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